High-Resolution 3D Sensors For 100% Inspection
MicroZ is a 3D sensor for long-range depth perception and motion tracking. The ZED empowers objects and applications with the ability to see and understand the physical world.
MicroZ HD ensures 100% coverage and hence 100% reliable inspection by:
- Focus resistant multi-phase pattern projection
- Shadow avoidance by multi-view imaging
- Excellent signal to noise ratio due to HDR
- Ability to image diffuse, shiny and transparent objects
- Optimized software SDK for inline inspection
Large FOV 3D Imaging:
MacroZ HD is targeted at FOVs from 1 to 9 sq m:
- Sub mm resolution for large FOV
- Low-cost, efficient, scalable, multipurpose
- Integrates with any LCD or DLP projector for full flexibility for custom solutions
- 3D calibration, visualization and data processing tools
- Supports USB3 and GigE cameras